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Result for Arginine, Arg or R, α-amino acid: 4993 item(s) in all categories

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Arginine, Arg or R, α-amino acid contents in 100 grams - 3.5oz net wt. food amount:
Food Unit Value
  Peppers, sweet, green, sauteed g 0.024
  Carrots, canned food, regular pack, mix of solids and liquids g 0.024
  Celery, boiled, cooked, drained, with salt g 0.024
  Pickle relish, sweet g 0.023
  Strawberries, frozen, sweetened, sliced g 0.023
  Apricots, dried, sulfured, stewed, not added sugar g 0.023
  Apricots, canned food, extra light syrup pack, with skin, mix of solids and liquids g 0.023
  Clam plus tomato juice, canned food g 0.023
  Apricots, frozen, sweetened g 0.022
  Blueberry, superfood, frozen, unsweetened g 0.022
  Beets, harvard, canned food, mix of solids and liquids g 0.022
  Vegetable juice cocktail, canned food g 0.022
  Strawberries, frozen, sweetened, whole g 0.022
  Tomatoes, red, ripe, canned food, stewed g 0.022
  Whey, acid, fluid g 0.021
  Beets, canned food, no salt added, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Beets, pickled, canned food, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Apricots, canned food, heavy syrup pack, with skin, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Apricots, canned food, extra heavy syrup pack, without skin, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Pickles, cucumber, sour g 0.021
  Marmalade, orange g 0.021
  Apricots, canned food, light syrup pack, with skin, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Starfruit, Carambola (star fruit) raw natural g 0.021
  Beets, canned food, regular pack, mix of solids and liquids g 0.021
  Vegetable juice cocktail, low sodium (Na), canned food g 0.021

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